Happy New Year! As the Year of the Tiger comes to a close, I am eager to catch my breath and reflect on everything that has occurred. For me, this has been a challenging, demanding, and ultimately enlightening 12 months. It required moments of bravery, of moxie, and of fearlessness (all traits of the mighty Tiger), but as I overcame each obstacle, I found myself closer and closer to peace and equanimity. Every hurdle brought me closer and closer to home.
I find myself drawn to the word "home" as I enter the Year of the Rabbit. As Maya Angelou so eloquently said, "The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."
This past year I learned:
Sometimes you have to leave your home to come home
Love can show up in myriad ways and will always lead you home
Family (both inherited and created) is home
What does "home" mean to you? Comment below!