We have a new approach to Saturdays! All Saturday classes will be at 9 AM Pacific Time (11 AM Central Time) and will be included in all memberships and class packages. Drop in rates are $17 per class. Make sure to check our calendar and watch for emails to know which specialty and which teacher will featured.
Laura will host a monthly Fun, Freeing Flow class. This is an hour of fun, creative yoga and movement to start out your weekend with positivity and joy.
Chakra series is back! Marleen has brought her beloved Chakra class to Saturday mornings - once a month. No need to sign up for the full series. Next up: Anahata Chakra (the heart chakra) on Saturday, May 21.
Kosha series is back! Join Natalie for a Kosha treasure hunt once a month. No need to sign up for the full series. Next up: Anandamayakosha (the bliss body) on Saturday, May 28.
Our goal with Saturdays is to bring a little bit of everything to the 60-minute class. Yoga for Everybody may also be offered - so keep an eye on the schedule and our emails. You never know who may pop up unexpectedly!