It's been a while since I've logged in here, but I've been keeping track of every day on social media (Facebook and Instagram). Positive change is happening and all roads are opening towards the future I'm designing for myself. That's what my yoga practice is doing for me. It's less about physical accomplishments and more about manifesting and clarity.
Physically, yes, I feel like I'm getting stronger. My low back still hurts, but a lot of practice is rolling around on the floor and strengthening my core.
Energetically, this has become like a multivitamin I take every morning. I can't imagine a day without at least 15 minutes of warming up my body and breath.
Emotionally, I am finding great ways to soothe and regulate my nervous system. Because there's so much change afoot in my life right now, I've been waking up with anxiety. My morning practice helps me rein that in.
Spiritually, I feel like I'm connecting to something bigger than myself. Naturally, I find myself being drawn back again and again to kirtan, a type of devotional music that is yogic in nature. Although its roots are in Hinduism, I think of the different chants as opportunities to connect to the (non-denominational) Divine.
My yoga therapy education and practice has led me to work with the dying and grieving. That is my calling, and I am excited to employ all of my talents and interests into serving this population.
What is your yoga practice cracking wide open for you? Comment below.
Days 45-47 have been amazing! I did 45 & 46 totally on my own and it was so empowering! I've had a busy and long weekend with working our church food tent at the rodeo until late at night so this morning on day 47 could have been a challenge. As I woke i recalled a morning guided session from one of my videos (adriene) and started it up while in bed and ended up on the floor standing. It was so wonderful and got my sore, tired body ready for a great Sunday! I hope you ladies all find some sense of revitalization in your practice, especially when you don't think you have the energy to do it. A…
As I walked into a bedroom at home this afternoon while putting away laundry, I took to a carpeted floor for my day 44 practice. No videos, no people, just quiet. I just needed to do it right then and there- so I did. And I'm so glad I did.
Day 43 was all my own. I'm learning enough to get more comfortable with my flow. I still like hearing the videos even if I'm not following what they're doing. Just the encouragement and reminders to breath really help.
Day 42 and I was looking forward to my mat time! A little goes a long way!
Spent my 40th day doing my practice with a canine audience! Our Thor knows to give Mom space when the mat comes out, but Guin was home to visit with her boyfriend and they brought their new puppy, Lyra, along. Giving the kids time to sleep in, I was happy to watch over her and her endless puppy energy and exploring while working in some yoga any way I could. After supper on this day 41, I quietly went to an area in the living room with my mat & ear buds to follow a practice session while my husband watched TV. I am so happy that I'm really trying to find ways to get some yoga time in no…